Well just to make things more understandable here are all of the abbreviation for FZX created by Legendary JKT =) which is me heh. I wouldn't really expect anyone to know what the heck do I mean because only the champ players like Me Dave and Dustin would understand because we could perform these moves. begin with the basics and then work your way up to insanity! Before getting started make sure you're familiar with these moves. Left = turn left on joystick (L) Right = turn right on joystick (R) Boost = hit B (B) 360° = Hold Z+double tap R or Hold R+double tap Z only use in (Death Race) (360°) 360°BoostSlide = 360° turning left or right +B (Death Race or Time Trials) (360°BS) DT = Double Tap Z+left or R+right (for Jumper) Sliding = R+left or Z+right (S) BoostSlide = Sliding+B left or right (or BS) RailSlide = Sliding left or right into a wall at a angle _\|/_ more like between _ \ or / _ for good angle (RS BoostRailSlide = Railslide+B left or right (BRS) or (RBS) BNCSlide = [Bounce Slide] do a railslide bouncing out and in off the rails (BNCS) DTD = [DT Dive] tilt nose down DT-Z left or DT-R right (DTD) DD = [Diagonal Dive] car tilt 50° sideways 70° downwards left or right then hit B (DD) AS = [Angle Slide] do a DT right then slide left or DT left then slide right (AS) TAS = [True Angle Slide] do a slide left or right a bit then stop sliding and hit B (TAS) (note only do when exiting tunnels) SS = [Switch Slide] Hold Z+R then turn left or right (this makes you switch slide instantly) (SS) AC = [Air Control] hold down off a ramp then guide it in mid air (AC) DTDD = [DT Diagonal Dive] combine DT and DD together for a (DTDD) ADD = [Air Diagonal Dive] hold down fly up high then perform the DD to do the (ADD) TDD = [True Diagonal Dive] get into the air high then do a DD and hit B to do a (TDD) AS2 = [Air Slide] go into the air and do a Boostslide left or right to do an (AS2) LDF = [Low Dive Form] normally this is a move only used for DT Dives first tilt the car 45° sideways then DTD left or right down to do a (DTDLDF) (note LDF doesn't go by itself its a finishing move to a Dive) 360°AD = [360° Air Dive] first go off a ramp then do a 360° high in the air and then Dive down to do a (360°AD) ACTDD = [Air Control True Diagonal Dive] first with holding down flying up high then guide the car tilting down and hit B (ACTDD) RACTDD = [Reverse Air Control Diagonal Dive] do same as ACTDD only instead of going forward you do it with the car tilting the other direction (RACTDD) ACIDTD = [Air Control Into DTD] its a combination of air guiding into DT Dive its one of the master Dive moves (ACIDTD) the orignal Dive move ACIDTD which can do 3000 km/h no doubt ADDDTD = [Air Digonal Dive DTD] its a combination or air diagonal dive into a DT Dive its another form of Dive moves (ADDDTD) powerful Dive which can get 3000 km/h no problem QACIDTD = [Quick Air Control Dive Into DTD] which instead of getting height you just do the move instantly and then land may result in lower speed but this is a quick dive to save time (QACIDTD) this move can pick up speeds up to 3000 km/h QADDDTD = [Quick Air Diagonal Dive DTD] which is basically the same as QACIDTD which don't waste time getting height but to end it as quick as possible and also do the move quick which would be quite hard, this move also picks up 3000 km/h very quick MACIDTD = [Mini Air Control Dive DTD] which you go off a ramp then fly up then perform a small ACIDTD then land down to do a (MACIDTD) (note this move is used for openers only =)) MADDDTD = [Mini Air Diagonal Dive DTD] this would be way too hard to do since ADDDTD needs lots of height which is only possible if you go off a jump or ramp at high speed (MADDDTD) 360°QLACTDD = [360° Quick Low Air Control TDD] best insane cool looking 360° attack which you would need to fly off the ramp high tilt the car 45° hit B then do a 360° to do a (360°QLACTDD) ACIDTDIQACIDTDLDF = [Air Control Into DTD Into Quick Air Control Into DTD Low Dive Form] the most difficult move to perform this move is only used to pick up 3000 km/h on tracks that aren't possible to do this move, you must pick tracks with lots of jump plates like Mute City 3 or White Land 1 then hold down fly off the jump plates tilt down DTD into the next jump plate hold down again then finish the dive with a QACIDTD using the LDF version to get a sweet speed of 3000 km/h ADDDTDIQADDDTDLDF = [Air Diagonal Dive DTD Into Air Diagonal Dive DTD Low Dive Form] the most insane move ever to perform, this move can pick up a 3000 km/h on tracks that seem impossible to even get even a speed of a 2000 km/h+ to do this its basically the same as ACIDTD but using a different angle of tilting the car but this move can pick up 3000 the quickest using 2 jump plates and add in the LDF version to get some high speeds of 3000 km/h thats about it to my Dictionary of root words its up to you to create the rest of it =) till then my FZX buddies ,JKTSPEED